Academic qualifications
_____ Clinical Hypnotherapist, Post Graduate Diploma, Level 7
University of West London & the LSCCH
_____ Clinical Hypnotherapist Post Graduate Certificate,with Merits, Level 6
University of West London & the LSCCH
_____ EMDR & Ego state therapy Certificate, LSCCH
_____ Social worker Diploma, IFSY, France
_____ 'Maîtrise' [Post Graduate / + 4 years] in Social Anthropology
Psycho-Sociology & Family sociology, Paris, La Sorbonne
_____ Systemic Analysis & Transactional Analysis, Psycho-pathology as part of social worker diploma
_____ EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Karl Dawson, EFT Master trained with Gary Craig
_____ Life coach Diploma, UK
_____ Certified Practitioner and Optimum Certified Practioner in NLP, Fastforwardnlp, France
_____ Mindfulness for schools, Foundations, UK
University Research
_____ The third wave therapies based on Mindfulness - ACT, DBT, RECBT - and Hypnotherapy
_____ Terrorism trauma & PTSD and hypnotherapy
_____ Neuroplasticity and hypnotherapy
_____ Chronic stress in minors and hypnotherapy - Abstract published by the British Society
of Clinical Hypnosis
_____ Weight management and hypnotherapy
_____ Women of a North African origin living in France: gains and losses; living with two cultures, social worker diploma, IFSY, Versailles, France
_____ Psychodrama and juvenile delinquency prevention
_____ Religious social implication in a neighbourhood of Strasbourg, France