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White Curvy Lines


. 'The body keeps the score'Bessel Van der kolk

. 'Le corps n'oublie rien'Bessel Van der Kolk

. The impact of early life trauma on health and
disease - the hidden epidemic
Ruth Lanius, Eric Vermetten, Clare Pain

. 'Our polyvagal world - How safety and trauma change us' Stephen Porges and Seth Porges

. 'Notre monde polyvagal - Retrouver sa sécurité intérieure grace à la théorie polyvagale''Stephen Porges and Seth Porges

. Transforming the living legacy of trauma
Janina Fisher

. 'IntraConnected' Daniel Siegel, MD

. 'Dissociation Made Simple', Jamie Maric, PhD

. 'When Rabbit Howls', The troops, for Truddi Chase


. Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others 

by Laura van Dernoot LipskyConnie Burk


Unmasking autism - the power of embracing our hidden
neurodiversity - Dr Devon Price


. Magnificent sex - lessons from extraordinary lovers
peggy J. Kleinplatz, PhD & A. Dana Ménard, PhD

. Polysecure - attachment trauma and consuensual
nonmonogamy - Jessica Fern


Why we sleep - Matthew Walker


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+44 (0) 7 535 435 131

It is advised to consult a trauma-trained professional to understand more precisely what is happening to you.
   Feel free to contact me for this, I can direct you to a colleague if needed

• I am not medically trained and will not offer any medical, Mental Health diagnosis, nor any nutrition advice.
   Please consult a qualified professional for this.

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