Pia Granjon

Chronic Pain
Phantom Limb Pain
"Those conditions do take your whole life away "
A client
+44 (0) 7 535 435 131
Chronic pain can affect your
_____ Thoughts
_____ Moods
_____ Behaviour
_____ Relationships
_____ Attention span
_____ Motivation
_____ Sleep
_____ Eating habit
Phantom Limb Pain
_____ Common after an amputation
_____ It can last a few days to months and more
_____ It might be due to a rewiring of the spinal nerves that lost signals
from the missing limb
_____ Your sensations can vary
_____ We can work on the causes
_____ We can change the pain perception: intensity & location
After working with Pia, I am back to socialising, shopping for fun, I feel happy again !
I have to told my consultant so more people can benefit from hypnosis and pain management
X, Chronic pain management