Continuous Professional Development
. 'Finding solid ground: overcoming obsacles intrauma treatment'
Bethany Brand, Hugo Schielke, Francesca Schiavone, Ruth A. Lanius
. 'IntraConnected' Daniel Siegel, MD
. 'Dissociation Made Simple', Jamie Maric, PhD
. 'When Rabbit Howls', The troops, for Truddi Chase
- Structural Dissociation - Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, Onno Van Der Hart
- Deep Brain Reorienting, Level 1, October 2024
- Monthly supervisions with the Complex Trauma Treatment Affiliates
Regular supervision with Peter Mabbutt
Punctual supervision with Dr Jamie Maric
Monthly peer group: Hypnosis Unites Hypnotherapists
- Quantum Way
Trauma, attachment & resilience
- Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse: How to Support Survivors and Families
Cybertrauma - Cath Knibbs is a Clinical Doctoral Researcher, Online Harms Consultant, Public Speaker, Author and Child / Adult Trauma Psychotherapist
- 35th int. conference - Trauma Research Foundation, Boston
- 'Altruism - the science and psychology of kindness' Matthieu Ricard
- 'Dissociation made simple, a stigma-free guide to embracing your dissociative mind and nagigating daily life' Dr. Jamie Marich
- Monthly supervisions - individual and in group with the Complex trauma Treatment Affiliate, Boston
- Treating Complex Trauma with the Internal Family System [IFS] Richard Schwartz, Frank Anderson, Martha Sweezy
- 'The concise guide to the assessment and treatment of trauma-related dissociation' Bethany L. Brand
- Monthly / bi monthly supervisions
- Can we talk about trauma ?
Michael Niconchuk, Ruth Lanius, Wendy D'Andrea, Stevan Weine, Brandon Kohrt, Mary Bunn,
Noah Tucker,
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for trauma, Pat Ogden
- Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Training Levels I & II
Complex trauma certification
Dr. Janina Fisher
- Certificate Programme in Advanced Trauma, PTSD & Dissociation
Dr. Ruth Lanius and today's leading trauma innovators
- Workshop, London, UK - Janina Fisher
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors:
Transformational Approaches to Treating Complex Trauma
- Trauma Research Foundation's Group
Supervision and Consultation Program, led by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
April 2023 - June 2023
- Monthly / bi monthly supervisions
- The Developing Mind: Building trust, growth & resilience together, February 2022
Peter Fonagy + Q&A, Dan Siegel + Q&A, Anousha Kahn + Q&A, Roslyn Law
+ Q&A Anthea Benjamin: Working outside the consultation room
- IFS fortnightly exchange practice with a colleague
- Joining the monthly meetings of the Complex Trauma Training and Treatment Affiliates Network
Group supervision - presenting and discussing anonymous situations
2020 - 2021
- Monthly / bi monthly supervisions
- Trauma Research Foundation Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies - 8 months programme - Bessel Van der
Kolk et al.
- Gabor Maté Compassionate Inquiry Master Class: A powerful approach for healing anxiety, addictions, ADHD, and more, December 2021
- Trauma Conference: The Body Keeps the Score-Trauma Healing with Bessel van der Kolk, MD, Pesi, December 2021
- IFS Skills and Supervision Group, Pesi, Oct. 2021
- Internal Family Systems (IFS) and health issues: changing the course of health ailments and disease, Pesi, Sept. 2021,
- The Trauma Treatment Blueprint: Neuroscience-Based Treatment Interventions for Complex Trauma Clients (CCTP/CCTP-II) , Pesi, July 2021
- Polyvagal theory - Practice and personal supervision - Deb Dana
- Polyvagal Skills and Supervision Group, 6 months, Deb Dana, September 2021, Pesi
- IFS Online Circle: Foundations of the IFS Model, Pesi, September 2021
- The Clinician's Suicide Prevention Summit: Treatment Strategies to Inspire Hope and Save Lives, Pesi, August 2021
- LGBTQ Clients: Clinical Issues and Treatment Strategies for Youth and Adults, Pesi, July 2021
- Attachment-Focused EMDR for complex PTSD, childhood ongoing traumas ... Laural Parnell, PESI,
June 2021
- Mental Health Awareness Summit: Individual and community recovery - healing trauma, grief and loss as a result of the pandemic, June 2021
- Journées Internationales de Neuropsychologie; Lobes frontaux et fonctions exécutives - Université de
Angers, 23-25/06/2021
- 32d Boston conference, Trauma Research Foundation, 26-29/05/2021
- Trauma Research Foundation Tuesdays, Michael Lee, Yoga therapy, 8 Tuesdays April, May, June 2021
- Still face, mirror neuros, ISC International, 19-21/03/2021
- Individual and Community Recovery - Trauma, grief, loss in the aftermath of the pandemic, PESI
- Mindfulness and Pain, Jon Kabat Zinn, Soundstrue, 2021
- How to work with a traumatic Brain, NICABM, 2021
- Mental Health Awareness Summit: Individual and community recovery - healing trauma, grief and loss as a result of the pandemic, 2 days - April 2021
- Neurobiology of Trauma, NICABM, Nov 2020
B Van der Kolk, P Levine, R Lanius, D Siegel, S Porges, P Ogden,
- Women, Trauma and Mental Health Conference, PESI, UK -Nov 2020
Jutra Samuel, Pat Ogden, Kathy Steele, Janina Fisher, Judith Lewis Herman, Cathy Malchiadi, Arielle Schwartz, Linda Graham, Babette Rotschild,
- Comment la méditation peut changer le monde - Les Arènes du savoir
How can meditation change the world
J Kabat Zinn, C André, M Ricard
- Trauma skills Summit - 10 days
Incl Peter Levine on Trauma and addiction
Daniel J Siegel on The Wheel of Awareness: A Trauma Recovery Tool for Well-Being
- 31st International trauma Conference - 3 days - Van de Kolk; Porges et al.
Traumas and NeuroSciences
- Working with EMDR Online - nscience
- Internal Family System - R Schwartz & M Sweezy
- EMDR online - Peer group
- Psychothérapie des Etats Dissociatifs - M Phillips & C Frederick
- Integrative Hypnosis for kids and teens - M Tiers and K Woods
- Ego State Therapy - G Emmerson
- Reframing Hypnotherapy; R Mongard
- The wisdom of menopause; christiane Northrup
- Beliefs; R. Dilts, T Hallbom, S Smith
- Vagina; N Wolf
2019 - 2020
- Monthly / bi monthly supervisions
- How to work with a traumatised brain - Bessel Van Der Kolk
- Neuro-biological response to EMDR therapy in clients with different psychological traumas - Marco Pagani
- Why the vagal system holds the key to the treatment of trauma - Stephen Porges
- The woman code - Alisa Vitti
- The polyvagal theory can revolutionize your work with trauma - Porges
- Guided parents led CBT for child anxiety - AnxietyUK
Journées Emergence, 2018 & 2019
Pleine conscience - Se changer, changer le monde
2 jours de conférences
Mark Solms Conference, 2018
University of Essex
Is neurocience saving or destroying psychoanalysis ?
What is the unconscious, and where is it located in the brain ?
The conscious Id