Pia Granjon

TRAUMA & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Women and Children
Trauma can be a consequence of
____ Giving Birth
____ Car accident
____ Childhood event
____ Relationship abuse - Parents / Guardians, School,
Work, Partners
____ Sexual abuse
____ Terrorist attack
____ War environment
. . .
I am training with the work of
Bessel van Der Kolk,
The body keeps the score
Stephen Porges,
The poly vagal theory
Traumas and Complex Traumas' therapies are evolving,
new protocols and approaches are emerging,
some of which I can offer you in therapy and all of which I can give you information about
- This is not an exhaustive list -
• Attachment focus EMDR, Laura Parnell
• Neurofeedback
• Psychotherapy with the use of psychedelic, the MAPS
• Expressive Art Therapy
• Yoga
• Qi Gong
• Psycho-drama
Trauma changes the Brain functioning of the individual,
Trauma and PTSD must be taken into account with their psychological and physiological causes as well as the environments of the individual: social, family, work . . .
Many bodily functions are altered
Triggers can be come from all 5 senses
The memory processing is altered
Symptoms usually include:
_____ Re-experiencing
Repetitive and distressing images or sensations
Physical sensations, such as pain, sweating, feeling sick or trembling
Some people have constant negative thoughts about their experience
_____ Avoidance and Emotional numbing
_____ Hyper-arousal = feeling on 'edge'
Angry outbursts
Sleeping problems
Difficulty concentrating
_____ Other symptoms like
Self-Harming, Drug misuse or Alcohol misuse
Headaches, Dizziness, Chest pains, Stomach aches